‘A story of immigration, survival and service spanning three decades’

Learn about our longest serving Lightkeeper Henry Ford, his wife Mary Ann Ford and their time at the remote and isolated Cape Otway Lightstation from 1848 to 1878

An exhibition of objects, kindly on loan from descendants of the Ford family will go on display at the Lightstation giving visitors the opportunity to connect to the story of this remarkable couple.

From a treasured plait of hair in a locket to a barometer, each item provides an insight into Henry & Mary Ann’s personal relationship & life together at Cape Otway.

Keepers of History

Descendents of Head Lightkeeper Henry Ford and his wife Mary Ann visited Cape Otway to deliver the objects which are due to go on display at the Lightstation. Head guide Alex led a tour of the grounds whilst the group exchanged stories of the Ford’s and the life they led whilst serving at Cape Otway