Washed up on shore

Due to the frequent storms and strong currents around Cape Otway we often see unusual objects washed up on the shoreline. The Lighthouse Keepers, Telegraph Operators and their families living here often discovered items as they walked the coastline, sometimes they…...

Washed up on shore

Published: September 1, 2020

Due to the frequent storms and strong currents around Cape Otway we often see unusual objects washed up on the shoreline.

The Lighthouse Keepers, Telegraph Operators and their families living here often discovered items as they walked the coastline, sometimes they had a tragic history.

The Telegraph Station at Cape Otway was established in August 1859.

One of the first messages sent from here in September 1859 told of the discovery by the lighthouse keeper whilst walking the shoreline of a mail bag containing 200 letters from the Admella.

This ship had been wrecked south west of Mount Gambier, South Australia a month earlier. The initial survivors had spent a week on the wreckage, waiting to be rescued, many were died of cold and exposure whilst waiting. In total 89 lives were lost and 113 mail bags lost.

Read one of the public telegrams – South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 – 1889), Wednesday 7 September 1859, page 2

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